The yarn I used was Araucania. It's from Chile, and like the wine from that region, it's nice yet cheap! I have another skein of this in a dark plum color that I'm not sure what to do with. The semi-solid colors in this sock is gorgeous. The pattern is Baudelaire without the cable. I did a short-row heel instead of what the pattern called for, which some purest would say that what I made was not Baudelaires but something else. Sometimes I like learning new knitting techniques, but that day when I got to the heel, I said "No thank you!" and kept it moving. In other words, it's my party and I'll cry if I want to!
Too bad I got to wait till October to start wearing them. Off to the storage bin it goes!
Te ha quedado realmente hermosos!!!!! y el color es genial!!!! una pena que Araucania solo venda fuera de Chile y no en ciudades locales...
Vaya con que te casaste!!! me alegro mucho por ti se ven preciosos en la foto!!!! hace tiempo que no escribias yo crei que te habien secuestrado los extraterrestre, pero no, era solo que estas disfrutando de tu vida de casada :P
ehy vaya Moton de lanas que tienes mas de 100 ovillos!!! y yo creia que yo era compradora compulsiva :D ...
Claro que estoy utilizando la lana que me has regalado estoy feliz con ella, pero no he suvido fotos, en realidad yo creo que subo la mitad de las fotos de todos los proyectos que hago ya que aveces el tiempo no me da para escribir a cada rato en blogger o ravelry :(
UFF u si que salio algo largo este comentario pero hace rato que no te escribía, un abrazo grande a tí y tu marido y que siguan difrutando su vida juntitos....
Absolutely luv these socks and the yarn combined with the pattern is just wonderful!! Queing this now!
And who cares about you choosing the heel you wanna!! I would have too ;op
FAB socks!! And how kewl to have a Spanish reader!
Just gorgeous! I love that green green color.
Personally I always choose the heel I want. Sometimes I try new ones, but usually I stick to an old reliable! After all you are knitting for (1) your own pleasure and (2) your own feets.
BEAU-timus!!! I LOVE! I've got sock yarn just waiting to be made into these!
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