I'm finishing this thing in lightening speed! Look I'm already working on the foot of the first sock!
Knit Picks Podcast
This past weekend I listened to all of the episodes of the Knit Picks Podcast. I have to admit that I had some reservations about the show before I even heard the first episode. This is because I figured the whole thing would be another marketing tool for Knit Picks and each show would turn into a commercial. However, it is my belief that though the idea of marketing Knit Picks may have started the process of creating a weekly podcast, the result is rather plesant. Kelley Petkun, the Owner and President of Knit Picks is the host and every week she does a book review, talks about her personal knitting, shares some exciting things that Knit Picks is doing with their monthly catalog and new lines of yarn that should be coming out this Fall as well as other personal experiences about her past and her coworker's past.
What I enjoy the most about this podcast is how obviously dorky Kelley is about her knitting. Lately she's been working on one vest for her husband and it is driving her crazy but she won't start any other projects till that one is done. And much like me, she also loves fantasizing about future projects and all the neat bags she can organize them into.
I think I like the podcast so much because Kelley is much like myself. For one, we carry similar names (however I do not have the extra "e" at the end of my name). Two, we were both history majors in college (can you believe I can actually say "I was a history major in college?). Three, she is as equally dorky about knitting as I am and does not really care what others think.
I guess the only qualm I have with this podcast is whenever the ladies talk about projects that they are working on, they seem to only use Knit Picks yarns. Frankly, I'm certain that they use other yarns, even if they get a killer discount on the stuff that they sell. However, this is a podcast for Knit Picks so I would think that talking about how great more expensive yarns are would be a bad marketing move.
Nonetheless, this podcast is great to listen to while you're drinking some iced tea on a big blanket under a big tree (or curl up on your sofa and sip on some hot tea, for you guys in Argentina and other parts of the southern hemisphere).