Men that Knit

This is Nathan, my boyfriend. He was born in Puerto Rico because his parents were Christian missionaries over there when he was born. He stayed in Puerto Rico for the first 3 years of his life and later on moved around a lot as a child. Though he's Puerto-Riquen by birth (his mother is from Pennsylvania and his father is from British Colombia), he considers Canada and Florida to be his homes because he spent the most time in those places. He loves camping and nature. He also likes computers, football, and of course hockey. Recently he has gained an interest in photography and enjoys taking paparazzi type photos or neighbors in our town.
But enough of all that boring stuff. What you really came here for is the knitting and that is what my boyfriend likes to do. He likes to knit. Nathan is one of the men in this world that really like to knit. Now the fact that he loves to knit is not amazing because he is a man but because he is my boyfriend. Have any of you ever met a man and a woman that have been in a relationship that both equally like a hobby as rare as knitting? Usually couples like sports or cars or cooking. We like knitting.
And he's a pretty talented knitter too. Just look at the amount of stuff he's made since he learned back in October 2005:
An i-Pod cozy (for the i-Pod he got me for Christmas
A hat for his little brother
An alpaca hat and scarf set for his mother’s birthday
A hat for himself
A hat for his father
Do you see the trend? There are sock knitters out there and then there are hat knitters. Nathan is a one-track minded hat knitter kind of man. He calls himself the "Mad Hatter" sometimes because that's all he cares to knit. Either way, I enjoy watching him knit quietly on his orange lazy chair. It makes me so happy when he’s relaxed (because his life doesn’t permit him much free time). Currently he's working on, you guessed it, another hat. Here’s a picture:
This is his own design because he hates patterns. The yarn is called Elisabeth Lavold Silky Wool, a beautiful 50/50 blend of silk and wool. Since I got the blog, I suggested to him that he should write a pattern for his hat when he’s done. Nathan told me that he doesn't know how to write a pattern and so he asked me for help. If enough of you guys are interested in this type of hat pattern, let me know. I'll see what I can do.
Though this hat is super cool, don't expect this project to progress quickly. As stated above, Nathan doesn't have much time to knit because he's doing his BA in Business Administration on-line. However, when he is done with it, I will definitely post a picture of his accomplishment.
When knitting gets ugly
The subject of my boyfriend brings me to another discussion question I would like to bring up. Knitting has always been seen as a selfless act of love for those that we knit for. Family and friends are always recipients of lovely hand knits that show that we care. Though a lot of my knitting is given away (because I don't like clutter) most of the time I'm ignoring the people around me while I knit, even if the thing I'm knitting is for them! So my question is when can knitting become too much of an obsession? What is one to do to prevent from loving knitting more than they do family and friends or other things in life? And is this necessarily a bad thing?
Can't wait for your response!